Have Faith in Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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Sometimes you can feel that you are plateauing in your Meditation Practice.
It is important to have faith:
To have faith in the experiences that you have when you meditate, and how they affect your life for the better;
To have faith in Maharishi’s teaching about the Meditation Practice;
And to have faith in God.
Having faith in God protects the heart and the mind.
When you feel that you are plateauing in your Meditation Practice, have faith.
Know that everything is always evolving, even if it does not feel that way.
Your practices are evolving and transforming you even when you are not perceiving that change.
Life is always changing;
You are always changing;
And all this change is governed by Natural Law to keep you in the stream of evolution .
Sometimes you may feel your experiences are not as good as you would like them to be.
But when you sit down to meditate, you should not have any expectations about what experiences you might have.
Be in that moment of your practice.
Experience whatever comes your way.
Take it as it comes.
When your practice is done, go about your life having faith that you are doing your part to make the world a better place for you and for everyone.
You are always evolving.
Your Meditation Practice where you transcend is always transforming you;
Transforming your mind and your physiology in the direction of evolution;
In the direction of Higher States of Consciousness.
Have faith in your Meditation Practice.

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