Finer Feelings Are Cultivated With Your Meditation Practice

by Guru for God
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When you transcend the relative field in your Meditation Practice, you experience Pure Consciousness That is your Self, Divine Being.

The feelings that are cultivated when you transcend regularly and repeatedly bring much improvement to your life.

First, compassion is cultivated: a feeling of generosity, kindness and empathy.

The intellectual understanding of compassion is based in the teaching of Karma.

Karma unfolds in an unfathomable manner for each of us to ensure that we are in the stream of evolution.

Sometimes bad things unfold for people.

Understanding that Karma determines one’s circumstances brings a feeling of compassion for those in difficulties.

There, but for the Grace of God do we go ourselves.

Another wonderful feeling that is enhanced with your Meditation Practice is joyfulness.

You experience more of the joy of life.

You are happier and more fulfilled.

There is more joy in your relationships with others.

Trust is also cultivated with your Meditation Practice.

You are more able to take it as it comes, whatever comes your way, because there is more evenness in your mind and in your physiology.

Your intuition is also improved with your regular Meditation Practice.

You can more easily see beneath the surface value of things.

You understand better why people choose what they choose.

With this understanding, you can make better choices to achieve your goals.

With the experience of these enhanced feelings of compassion, joyfulness, trust and intuition, your life is happier, easier and more fulfilled.

Eventually, with repeated and regular transcending in your Meditation Practice, you will be able to hold two states of Consciousness at the same time:

The Consciousness of the Transcendent, your Self, and the consciousness of the relative field, waking, sleeping or dreaming.

This is Enlightenment:

Two states of Consciousness held simultaneously;

The steadiness of the never changing along side the dynamism of the ever changing.

Be Enlightened.

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